First Lesson Q&A

Q: What if I am new to this and I feel nervous and self-conscious to sing for someone?

A: Don’t stress! I am not here to judge or criticize, but to help you magnify your strengths and find ways to overcome your weaknesses as a singer!

Q: What is your approach to teaching voice?

A: This is YOUR instrument! My goal as a voice teacher is to teach you how to teach yourself! I hope to give you the tools you need to tweak and improve your instrument throughout your life!

Q: What will my first lesson look like?


1. I will ask you questions about yourself to get to know you, your vocal history, and your goals for your voice.

2. I will ask you to sing for me so I can get to know your voice (please bring something to sing if you can! An art song, a broadway song, a folk song, a hymn, something you heard on the radio, anything!)

3. I will start by teaching you about your instrument and how it works! (This will give you the WHY behind everything I tell you to do)

4. I will assign you songs and exercises to work on until you come in the next week.

I am so excited to get started and to help you discover the JOYS of singing and of making GREAT vocal progress!
